Preposterous porn

pornIt’s been in the background for days now, since Michael arrived. Well, the Brits are always attempting to catch up…

This porno channel on the digital TV broadcaster I have is about as stupid as you could imagine. “Asinine” is the word Michael uses for it. Well, that means devoid of intelligence. It also refers to donkeys and asses. And indeed a couple of donkeys having sex would be of more interest than these “guys ‘n’ dolls” on the porno channel. We’ve been laughing at it, but eventually amusement gives way to anger.

Fake groaning, fake lesbianism, fake sucking of cocks, fake orgasms, fake, fake, fake.

And the vagina and anus all stretched out looks like something on a butcher’s slab or a surgeon’s operating table. The penis fares little better. All the penises stick up in the air by the way, which must have meant an awful lot of weeding out during auditions.

Do these women know that the penis has nerve endings? They’re pulling on it like it was a rope in the gymnasium.

And why do they have to look at the camera whilst they’re sucking? And why does each one of them blink in disgust as the cum spatters on their faces? If it’s so disgusting, then go and mow the lawn, or whatever it is you find congenial.

Michael and I have been longing for some old lady to appear in the background during one of those endless, tedious beach fucking scenes. Walking her dog, or taking a shit behind a rock. Anything to relieve the boredom of fake sex.

We’ve been wondering if anyone has managed to subvert the genre. Few things are more worthy of being subverted I should have thought.

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